From delicious farmers market produce...

From delicious local summer farmers markets...

Calves eating hay in a line dairies and livestock operations...

Jams and Jellies lined up colorfully every farm and food product you can imagine...

Mare and two foals standing together in a field

... CCE Madison AED supports farm businesses and our local food system!

Ag Economic Development

The Ag Economic Development Program works to maintain, develop, and promote a viable agricultural economy that benefits Madison County. The primary priority for achieving this mission is to market Madison County’s agricultural products and services by creating market opportunities and encouraging value-added enterprises.  As a secondary priority,  AED strives to maintain an appropriate agricultural land base to support a viable agricultural economy in Madison County by assisting existing Madison County farmers and attracting and supporting new farmers.

To date, the AED program has accomplished this mission through several diverse initiatives. The AED program has helped to launch several agricultural enterprises in Madison County by targeting assistance to value-added projects and agricultural start-ups through activities such as grant writing, workshops, and technical support.  The AED program continues to work hard to keep farming viable in Madison County and draw public support to the county’s many agricultural ventures.

Last updated January 2, 2024