pond and vegetation
Image by David Cappaert

Decisions about aquatic weeds have consequences for swimming, fishing, and environmental quality.

Cattail plants are one plant common to ponds

pond and vegetation
Image by David Cappaert

Decisions about aquatic weeds have consequences for swimming, fishing, and environmental quality.

Cattail plants are one plant common to ponds

Aquatic Weeds & Algae

Aquatic weeds pose a special challenge for pond owners. Decisions about aquatic weeds have consequences for swimming, fishing, and environmental quality. If you are looking at a weed problem in your pond, take a step-by-step approach to weed management:

  1. Try to identify the weed or plant you are concerned about
  2. Determine your alternatives
  3. Begin treatment at the most appropriate time
  4. Wait for the treatment to have an effect

How to Prevent & Control Algae in Farm Ponds. A 4-page PDF prepared by the South Central NY Agriculture Team of Cornell Cooperative Extension. 

Identifying & Managing Aquatic Plants.  Penn State University Cooperative Extension offers several videos on their site, addressing aquatic plant identification and control. Their Pond Management pages include additional information on aquatic plants & algae.

Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants: University of Florida Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plantson-line database providing images and information about hundreds of aquatic weeds.

Recommended book for aquatic weed identification:
Through the Looking Glass... A Field Guide to Aquatic Plants, Susan Borman, Robert Korth and Jo Temte. Illustrated by Carol Watkins, 248 pp. Univ of Wisconsin Press; ISBN: 093231032X; (June 1998)

Last updated October 4, 2023