Maryellen Sheehan

Maryellen Sheehan

Agriculture and Horticulture Resource Educator
315-684-3001- ext 126
Agriculture, Environment, Economic Development

Maryellen Sheehan grew up in northern Indiana doing all things 4-H and horses before moving east to work on a range of diversified commercial and educational farms in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Russia, and New York. She and her husband moved to Madison County in 2012 to start Hartwood Farm in Fenner, where they grow produce. Maryellen’s academic work focused on the interaction between agriculture and northeastern ecosystems and how we can maintain profitable and viable farm businesses, forestland, and communities amidst climatic changes. She is especially interested in IPM, helping farmers adapt to intense weather, plant disease pressure, and challenging economics, and building collaborative farmer networks. Her focus is to connect commercial growers of vegetables and specialty crops with production and management resources and statewide crop experts, while supporting CCE Madison’s natural resource and climate programs.