A few of the topics discussed by Erik Smith, Regional Field Crop Specialist, will be the identification and management of invasive weeds like Palmer amaranth and tall waterhemp, and crop diseases like fusarium head blight of small grains. He'll also provide updates on seedcorn maggot research, and updates on the spread of corn tar spot and NY's newest corn pathogen, corn stunt.
Regional Vegetable Specialist, Crystal Stewart-Courtens, and Madison County Agricultural and Horticulture Resource Educator, Mary Ellen Sheehan, will be discussing IPM in sweet corn and pumpkins, including updated weed control recommendations, variety recommendations, and spray programs for insects and diseases in both crops.
Attendees are eligible for DEC and/or CCA credits for attending.
2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23)
2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)
Erik Smith
Regional Ag Team Leader/Field Crop Specialist
CCE Madison Office & Ag Center
100 Eaton Street
PO Box 1209
Morrisville, New York 13408
Last updated February 11, 2025