Internal parasites are one of the largest health issues that affect sheep and goats across the country. Many producers are unaware how important it is to understand parasites in their flocks. In this workshop, producers will learn the basics of parasite control as well as how to develop integrated parasite management programs for their farms that include evasive grazing and selective deworming and/or alternative treatments. We will also go over the current status of several alternative methods of parasite control.
As part of this workshop you will receive hands-on training on how to use the FAMACHA© Anemia Guide (good only for the barber pole worm) and five point checks to determine the need for treatment and how to do fecal egg identification and analysis.
You are encouraged to bring a refrigerated fecal sample of 8 to 10 fecal pellets in a baggie from one sheep or goat at your farm to the workshop. In the interest of biosecurity please wear clean clothes and shoes to the workshop and plan to change them prior to doing your own farm chores.
Ashley McFarland
Regional Ag Team Member - Livestock Specialist
CCE Schoharie County
173 S Grand St
Cobleskill, NY 12043
Last updated July 5, 2023